Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cocktail Parties and Holiday Gatherings's the holiday season and we at The (real) Stepford Wives Association love a chance to make our husbands look good to friends and family Cocktail parties should be fun for guests and relatively easy for the hosts. Settle first on one or two different cocktails to offer, manhattans, martini, etc., and plan how long the event should last. Two - three hours is customary for cocktail parties, it is generally assumed that people are on their way to or coming from someplace else. One bottle of alcohol or two bottles of wine generally will cover 4 people or 12 drinks. Normally, the cocktails can be prepared just before guests are scheduled to arrive taking care not to use much ice or deluting the beverage.

Plan on at least one cocktail per hour per person. The amounts of alcohol needed depend on the type of drinks and the number of people. Several different hors d'oeuvres, count on two - four different kinds and 8-10 per guest total. All should be substantial enough to soak up the alcohol consumed and yet consumed within one or two bites.
Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus 
While making the rounds we do try to always serve our husbands and whoever he's conversing with first. Then we fan out from there. We refresh drinks between passing around foods, paying close attention to those who seem to be eating very little. A few stationary, help yourself items such as cheeses, pâté or caviar is fine. Keep the service trays somewhat small so they can be easily carried to your husband if needed, making rounds to others, then set it down.

Socially, provide introductions and encourage plenty of small talk. Take all compliments graciously and if possible give as much credit to your husband. For example if someone remarks on a piece of peice of artwork, explain that your husband purchased it or had it framed. Always direct the conversation away from yourself, onto your husband.

Before the party make certain your home is completely scrubbed down. Don't forget to wash the dog, or take it to a groomer, while you clean.  Air out the family home and make certain to keep the heat at a comfortable level.  Remember a home filled with people can become quite warm and downright chilly in other areas so pay attention to where the thermostat is located in conjunction to the gathering.