Saturday, April 4, 2015

Back to Basics: Pulling it Together

We, at The (real) Stepford Wives Association, believe whole heartily in being prepared mentally and physically. Exercise, eating right, are very much part of our daily routine, whether at home or running errands. Yes, we dress for the supermarket, and wouldn't dream of leaving the house with curlers in our hair -- ok no one wears curlers anymore. We wouldn't be caught dead in our pajamas outside the bedroom.

Each Sunday we plan for the week ahead. We make our lists and pour over recipe books, we make sure clothing is clean and in good order meaning without holes or missing buttons). When we shop, we carry our reusable bags, our shopping lists and we smile as we shop, walking slowly down each aisle, interestingly enough, if it's not on our list, we don't buy it, unless it's for our husbands.

Each week make time to clean out and wash down the refrigerator and freezer, also clean the microwave oven, regular oven and clean the dishwasher, washer and dryer. Additionally tend to regular household chores, laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, changing sheets on the beds. Remember, your husband lives in a Four-Star hotel.  It should shine like one.  

We, at The (real) Stepford Wives Association do not believe in being just "good enough" for our husbands.  Only the best for them.