Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Buzz

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association adore the holiday season as its a time to show the men in our lives some extra attention. Our families are the only reason for the season. However, this holiday seems overshadowed with messages about "girl power". It seems in the latest Star Wars film the main character is a girl. While we would never argue that there's anything wrong with this, it seems there's a shift in our society that overlooks men.

We spend so much energy building up the female sex, we've forgotten they're only half the population. While people stand up and cheer that this character won't require rescuing by some other male character, we can't help but to feel slighted.

What's so wrong about portraying men as the leaders and protectors most naturally are? What happens to these girls when they enter the real world and learn not everything revolves around them? Or will the world continue to placate them and dupe them into thinking they're more important than men?

If not every man is fit to be called a leader, why should be assumed that any woman can do it? Why does the girl power thing need to shoved down society's throat at each turn? When will balance be restored to our society, where one gender isn't given preferential treatment over another?

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association do believe that women were made to compliment men, not rule over them. We feel it's a shame that we're made to feel less for not buying into the girl power line of thought.