Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cocktail Parties and Holiday Gatherings's the holiday season and we at The (real) Stepford Wives Association love a chance to make our husbands look good to friends and family Cocktail parties should be fun for guests and relatively easy for the hosts. Settle first on one or two different cocktails to offer, manhattans, martini, etc., and plan how long the event should last. Two - three hours is customary for cocktail parties, it is generally assumed that people are on their way to or coming from someplace else. One bottle of alcohol or two bottles of wine generally will cover 4 people or 12 drinks. Normally, the cocktails can be prepared just before guests are scheduled to arrive taking care not to use much ice or deluting the beverage.

Plan on at least one cocktail per hour per person. The amounts of alcohol needed depend on the type of drinks and the number of people. Several different hors d'oeuvres, count on two - four different kinds and 8-10 per guest total. All should be substantial enough to soak up the alcohol consumed and yet consumed within one or two bites.
Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus 
While making the rounds we do try to always serve our husbands and whoever he's conversing with first. Then we fan out from there. We refresh drinks between passing around foods, paying close attention to those who seem to be eating very little. A few stationary, help yourself items such as cheeses, pâté or caviar is fine. Keep the service trays somewhat small so they can be easily carried to your husband if needed, making rounds to others, then set it down.

Socially, provide introductions and encourage plenty of small talk. Take all compliments graciously and if possible give as much credit to your husband. For example if someone remarks on a piece of peice of artwork, explain that your husband purchased it or had it framed. Always direct the conversation away from yourself, onto your husband.

Before the party make certain your home is completely scrubbed down. Don't forget to wash the dog, or take it to a groomer, while you clean.  Air out the family home and make certain to keep the heat at a comfortable level.  Remember a home filled with people can become quite warm and downright chilly in other areas so pay attention to where the thermostat is located in conjunction to the gathering.  

Friday, December 7, 2012

How to: Stepford

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association feel strongly that providing a quiet home when our husbands return home from work is of utmost import. Before what we refer to as "zero" hour, we take a few moments first to make certain dinner is under control, our home is tidy, table set and his favorite beverage is chilled and waiting for him. During the shortened days of winter, we make sure our foyer is lit, porch light is on, soft lights or candles are lit (unscented only dears -- dinner and you should be the best smelling things in the house).

After our 'ducks are lined up,' we dash upstairs to retouch our makeup, ask nicely that children wash up for dinner. Sometimes we have been known to change our clothing, apply a dab of perfume, fix our hair, etc. the reality is this should only take a few minutes. We also slip into our sexy shoes.

Back in the kitchen, we keep the meal hot, listening carefully for the sound of the lock hitting the door.

When he arrives, we greet him warmly with his beverage. We help him off with his coat, take his briefcase and put those things away. If he asks any questions, "what's for dinner," we smile and answer him warmly. We always let him know how long before the meal. We freshen his drink, help him out of shoes, replacing them with his slippers. We keep the house quiet, we never discuss our day. We do ask them about their day. If the reply is a grumble we instantly let them know how thrilled we are to see them and have them home. We do not gush over them.

If dinner is more than a few minutes away, we offer our husbands an appetizer. Something to nibble on while they relax.

We serve them dinner, we do not worry about our meal, they always come first.

After dinner, we make sure our husbands are settled. Then we quietly begin to clean up, listening carefully in case they need us.

If our husband invites us to sit, we do and listen intently to whatever he wishes to share. If he mentions a coworker's birthday we offer to purchase a gift and card, or to bake a cake. If those are refused, we still make note of the day to remind him. There might be a social obligation coming up or an important meeting where he might need something cleaned.

If he wishes to simply unload about his day, we listen actively. When he's finished we offer to refill his beverage, hand him the remote control or whatever would please him and discretely and above all quietly, return to our chores. Depending on his mood, if there is something that does require their attention, it can be brought up, only after he is finished saying what he needs to say. Ask permission and don't just dive in with a laundry list of 'honey do' projects. Mention the one or two, which are most important or urgent. The rest can simply wait.

We go to bed, when our husbands do and dress for bed in whatever brings them the most pleasure. We open ourselves to our husbands for their pleasure only. If they are too exhausted from their day to make love, it is our job to offer alternatives, such as oral pleasures or being on top.

It is very important they are in control of the sexual act. Even if we are on top of them, they control the speed and how we move to maximize their pleasure -- not our own selfish pleasures. We have no sexual needs to be met and we feel most fulfilled and satisfied when they are happy and content.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

To Thine Own Self...

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association, understand thoroughly that we can only control our behavior and influence our children's behavior. We cannot control other adults in our lives. This includes our girlfriends, sisters, family and above all else, our husbands. We spend our energies on things, which are important to us. We clean, we cook, we run errands and we are there for our husbands -- because this is what matters. We do not have careers outside the home -- and we do not look down on those who do (please extend us a similar courtesy). Our homes are our careers and our life experiences come not from the evening news, but from our own backyard.

It is not that we don't care about the outside world, but there really isn't much we could do to effect change. Angry letters to politicians and political pundits will only get us so far. We instead devote ourselves to the things we can achieve -- rather than unobtainable pie-in-the-sky dreams. We can and do achieve a clean house, relatively germ and allergen free, we help to raise thoughtful children who are courteous. We are blessed to live in nice homes...why shouldn't they shine? Our husbands work very hard to provide for us a good life. We are not wealthy. We believe in being frugal with money and live within our means. Our husbands set the standard and the budget and we never question his purchases.

We cannot be responsible for what our husbands think, we are not in anyway accountable for their actions. We are only accountable for our own, which are defined by them!

Photo Courtesy of stockfreeimages.comOur homes are our domaine and our famiy's sanctuary, which we strive to make it comfortable. We dress only for our husbands, some of whom pick out our clothing. We put on makeup, fix our hair and wear perfume, even if we do not leave our homes. Before our husbands return home from work, we do make a point to freshen up our appearance. We also take a few minutes to tidy the house. Our husbands certainly appreciate the efforts.

When we do need to leave our homes, we only do so with our husband's expressed permission. When we shop, we move slowly through the store and neatly arrange items into our cart. We are to never appear rushed or harried. You will absolutely never ever find one of us running through a store in our pj's tossing items into the basket.

We offer our husbands sexual pleasure on their schedule alone. When they want it, we open ourselves up to them. Orgasm is their right, not ours. Do not misunderstand this, our husbands want us sexually satisfied, but they do not worry about it. If it happens for us, wonderful but it is our purpose to give them the pleasure they deserve.

We enjoy pleasing our husbands orally and do not expect it to be reciprocal. We prepare healthful meals, with our husband's dietary needs placed first, then those of our children. Some might lament, how unfair! We disagree with that philosophy, because our needs fall squarely in between them.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

An Exercise in Patience

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association believe whole-heartily in real world examples of why we came to live the Stepford way. While some might "cherry pick" ideals they find repulsive or that go against the grain of their feminist beliefs, if they carefully read through these pages they will have a deeper understanding of how we have chosen to live our lives.

One exercise we found terribly useful was to write down, physically putting pen to paper, 5 ways we tried to control our husbands.

After we asked them to answer the following for each, what would happen if you suddenly gave up control on each of those things? What would happen? Would the world stop revolving? Well, we agree that would not be the outcome -- but the question remains what is the worst thing that would happen? How do you think your husband feels when you correct him or nag him?

Once you recognize this is really about fears, terrifying and often debilitating fear, you begin to gain the courage to face your fears. Let go slowly each of those things on your list. Begin apologizing when you catch yourself doing them (remember girls Rome wasn't built in a day).

Next write down what were the qualities that you husband possessed during your courtship that made you wish to marry him the first place? Did you go into the marriage with the notion that he'd be perfect once you changed him?

If the answer is yes, then we have nothing further to discuss -- you may stop reading content in your superior knowledge; please continue emasculating your husband since it allows you to feel better about yourself.

However if by chance you married your husband without the intent to change him, but simply lost your way and want to change the behavior then these pages are for you.

Earlier this year while meeting a good friend for coffee, as I listened carefully to my friend's lamentations about her husband. It seemed she was concerned with leaving the baby home alone With her husband. Because, you know, he's a man and stupid. As I listened it occurred to me that it could have been me saying this. What was the worst thing that could happen? The child's meal might be late? The diaper might explode? The truth is she was simply afraid of letting go of her control. She had the upper hand in their relationship or at least that part of it. But with all that concern and worry, she was denying herself a carefree afternoon.

Most women control their husbands because they're afraid their needs will go unmet.

When I pointed this out to her, she scoffed. But a week or so later, she phoned me, and wanted to meet again. We met with some of our Stepford sisters, and discussed freely our ideals. I believe it was Mrs Lowenstein who pointed out that she will never know what my friend's husband is capable of, until she let go of her fear and find out, by sitting back. She went on to explain she'll never know the man she married, unless she stops controlling and manipulating outcomes.

In the end, my friend discovered that she could better meet her own needs, when she let go of trying to control her husband. Now this friend has immersed herself into the Stepford way of life. Her home is cleaner, her children happier and husband more fulfilled. Her needs are now easily met. She learned that when she dominated her husband, it ebbed her fears and made her feel safe. Taking the time to give up that control, she learned her husband could indeed protect her.

For her birthday, her husband purchased a diamond earrings. Completely on his own without her advice, something he would never have dared to do before.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How and Why the Stepford Way Works

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association, learned early on what we needed to do, foster the confidence back into our husbands, which we ourselves were responsible for damaging. When we decided and became determined to change our lives and those of our husbands, it began in small steps. The first was suppressing the need to simply take over a task. Once my husband was hanging a shelf. He had approached the activity in a way that made sense to him. Now, in my old days I might have attempted to correct him. To tell him flat out he was doing it wrong. To take over. After all, I had hung shelves myself.

In the end, despite my misgivings the shelf was indeed fine, perfectly level. He'd just had a different process for getting a similar result.

The first step in the way of the Stepford wife way is to when you roll your eyes, which is very unbecoming, apologize at once. If you begin to criticize your husband for any reason, stop and apologize. Tell him why your sorry. "I apologize for trying to tell you (how to hang the shelf, help your child with homework, how he handles the finances)...."

Next you carefully listen to his reply.

Now the urge to validate your criticism...or to minimize it, will be strong by saying, "It's just I've hung shelves before...Little Timmy is's just I pay all the bills on paydays."

Do not do this!

When you do that, you're being disrespectful again. And you'll have to apologize again. Listen carefully to his reply, then echo back what he says so he knows you heard him, and so it sinks into your own thick head. Don't add anything else and let it drop. If anyone must hear your complaints, let it be your sisters who understand that your husband is not some careless cad.

In our first meetings, the very women who would become my sisters in Stepford, discussed in some detail transgressions of our husbands -- well, to put it indelicately ridiculous behavior. One pulled down expensive window shades, hung them outside and used the garden hose to clean them. While they were indeed ruined, we reminded her this was the same man who waited on her hand and foot while she was pregnant and ordered on bed rest. After their child was born he would routinely walk the floors to give her a break. How could she hold a mistake, even an albeit costly mistake against him?

Errors and lapses in judgement are common with humans. Our husbands will often go about things in ways we simply would not dream.

What I learned in watching a close friend, was that she always deferred and demurred to her husband and allowed him to lead. Yet, it didn't degrade her relationship in the least, instead it fostered incredible intimacy. They had a level of intimacy that quite honestly made me jealous. Anytime we would get together I would pick her brain trying to understand how their relationship works.

What I learned from her I began to do in my own marriage. Instead of starting arguments I took the high road and ended them before they started by apologizing. What happened next, my husband began asking for my opinion, before he did something. Treating him with more respect for us meant letting go of my superior feelings toward him. It meant trusting him more and slowly him demonstrating how trustworthy he was.

Why it works is basic psychology, we give up control to gain power. Take the situation between our long-term sister in Stepford Mrs Bauor, who felt her husband so incompetent she felt the need to direct him from the moment he woke until he went to bed. Endlessly nagging him about what he wore, the route he picked to drive, where they parked the car, how he brushed his teeth, thee amount of money he spent on incidentals. Mrs Bauor was exhausted from controlling everything. Her husband had begun an affair with a younger woman -- certainly they were headed for divorce.

I introduced Mrs Bauor to Mrs Lowenstein, the two became fast friends, Mrs Bauor saw the way Mrs Lowenstein interacted with her own husband (they had recently married after a long courtship). Mrs Lowenstein stated simply, she never argued with her husband -- and learned long ago to let go of pettiness. Mrs Lowenstein suggested that Mrs Bauor stop at once the nagging and controlling behavior that was evidentially driving her husband away.

She began slowly, in small ways like one day she didn't set out his clothing or pick out his tie. She focused on her household and child rearing duties almost exclusively. She began to ask him about what he wanted to eat for meals and involved him more in the financial process -- until he mostly took it over. He began setting the budget for shopping -- because she asked him to.

He understood much more clearly how much money was being spent, and how much was wasted on things that did not matter. She learned in the process that he was far more responsible than she gave him credit for. Together they rekindled their romance, he ended the affair and together they saved their marriage.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Mommy Dearest

One of the most common questions asked to those of us in The (real) Stepford Wives Association is how did we decide to hand over control to our husbands. It started with noticing how our husbands reacted when we corrected them about, oh just about anything. Immediately without realizing we turned into their Mothers. At least that's how they saw us for a moment or three. It reminded them of their teen years. Even though they never outwardly complained about it, their reaction was to rather shut down. The reality we learned once our behavior stopped, was that they felt emasculated.

When we stopped correcting them, we noticed their personal confidence soared in most unexpected ways. When we corrected them, they felt defeated if only for a few minutes and reverted back to angry teens. They believed nothing they did was correct. They didn't think we trusted them to make good decisions -- just like their mothers.

The problem is the mothers did this out of strong maternal love -- no mother wants to see their child make mistakes. The urge to insulate their children from their own errors, some which are needed for growth. But what is our excuse for this behavior toward our husbands?

Before we stopped, our husbands collectively were spending many hours away from home (read: away from us). They would fritter away their time, on golf courses, at work, the gym, working on junker cars -- any place we were not.

The truth is we each married clever, capable men and when we stopped nagging, pestering and correcting them, they found renewed interest in us. We were again the women they married and vowed to spend their lives with.

Remember our men don't want to make love to their mothers. They wanted a woman who is respectful of their authority, where they can shine and where we shine along side them.