Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mother's Day

Whilst many women hold high expectations about mother's day, we at The (real) Stepford Wives Association do not.  In fact, we prefer spending the day doing all the things we love, which includes doing special things for our husbands.  Let's not forget without them, we wouldn't be mother's.  Being recognized is fine for those who need it, but really when we cook, clean, do laundry we are actively showing our families how much we love and adore them.  What better way to show it than on Mother's Day?  

Husbands should honor their own mothers, just as we should.  So we do take up the task to buy a few special items for them, which are wrapped by us, some even pick up a card for their husband to sign.  Some of our husbands prefer to send flowers to their mothers (and ours) and will often have flowers sent to us as well.  Just because -- we think it's silly that they would buckle to a societal pressure but we also do not mention that to them.  

Some of us are lucky to have our mothers and fathers still with us, so when we gather to celebrate them, we try to make it something a little special.  A lovely corsage sets the right tone, a lovingly prepared meal with the flowers received as the centerpiece -- what on earth can be better than that?  Mimosa and Slo Gin Fizzes flow for our mothers and sometimes a pitcher of Bloody Mary for the men.  It is far less expensive and much more comfortable to stay home and celebrate than go for the traditional hotel brunch fare, with eggs that are like rubber and mimosa isn't even included despite the huge $$.  

Now some women reading this might laugh or feel prickles and even wonder aloud, 'who honors these women,' the question is fair.  Our husbands do honor us by allowing us to be women.  And we at The (real) Stepford Wives Association find little to be wrong with that.