Who We Are

We are a small group of wives who all live in the same town. Through the years we've bonded over countless bake sales, little league, Boy and Girl Scouts, PTA meetings. Our husbands collectively all met through us. We've watched each others children and taken vacations together. Some of us now have children nearly grown while others yet have babies and children in nursery school. Our collective ages vary between our mid 30s to late 40s.

Well, we cannot dismiss our youngest member who is just 22 and recently gave birth to her first child, making one of first members a grandma! She plans to write about her own journey another time.

Why call ourselves The (real) Stepford Wives?
At the heart -- it's how we see ourselves. This is not a parody site, goodness knows there are enough of those who are likely written by men trying to get a laugh. While we have no proof they are parody, what person that is not writing pure fantasy says that they give their husband oral service while he eats his dinner, with the reader is left to assume with children present? They write about eating alone in the kitchen or skipping dinner all together while professing wholesome "christian" values. Who dresses in skimpy clothing, high heels and more importantly carries a flowered purse in the dead of winter?

You will not find religious rhetoric here. We have no opinion on politics or world views; our view comes from our own backyard. We support marriage equality for all persons wishing to marry someone they love. We do not believe in Stepford Husbands unless they are involved in a same sex relationship.

We all thoroughly believe that our husbands are head of house and have the duty to correct or discipline us as they deem needed. It is how we learn best to keep them happy, contented and our husbands tell us they enjoy it! We stay home and tend to the details they don't need to be bothered with. When in mixed company we refer to each other formally, i.e., Mrs Ward Cleaver. Privately, we address each other by our first names and yes we really do have a June.

What are our philosophies?
We do not wear our good pearl necklaces, our husbands spend scads of money on to clean. Nor do we wear our best dresses. We do, in fact wear older skirts and blouses, and yes an apron. We do not spend all our time cleaning as prescribed on most parody sites, we each spend roughly a few days a week on cleaning, the rest of our time is spent shopping, caring for our children and cooking meals.

We do often change our clothing or even shower before our husbands return home from a hard days work. Our meals are scheduled to their arrival and are greeted at the door with a smile. We lead them to their favorite chair and let them unwind with their favorite beverage and give them time to unwind, interact with their children or watch the evening news, while we put the finishing touches on dinner.

Dinners are served in courses, believe it or not it leads to eating less and we serve small plates of food. We care deeply for our husbands and children's health so we avoid foods that expand the waistline. When we last got together to discuss our meal planning we learned we each have adopted this with wonderful results. One of our girls has lost 5lbs since she started it a few weeks ago. We're proud of her!

We do not, and by not we really mean never ever dare to emasculate our husbands publicly or privately. We do not bash our husbands on Facebook or refer to them as lazy or stupid. We ignore acquaintances who spout off with, "kicked my husband out of bed at 7am to cook me breakfast." If our husbands wish to cook us breakfast, which believe it or not they will do it sometimes because they love us and are grateful and appreciate all we do, it's because they want to, not because they were ordered. It means far more to us when they do!

What's this about discipline?
We are all human, sometimes we forget ourselves and require our husbands to correct our behavior. We gratefully accept this and are saddened and deeply embarrassed when it's necessary.

Does this mean our husbands may beat us? Hardly! While some might find corporal punishment needed, it's reserved for the most egregious of offenses when all else fails. It is hardly an issue in our collective relationships. More often they will tell us to be quiet and remind us we are grown women not petulant teenagers.

What about the book?
We all have read it and our thoughts are, while it does have some fitting information, we do believe we are not mindless robots. We are not doormats for our husband's or children to walk upon, but sentient beings with rights. We choose to put our families first without pouting nor complaining. We have individually and collectively capitulated and surrendered unconditionally to our husbands. They do control us, not with a stalinesque heavy hand but a light feather-like touch. They love and cherish us, which makes us only wish to do more for them. We do routinely allow our husbands to take the lead in the bedroom, but unlike parody sites we do routinely receive orgasms. We do not believe its a right for us to have one each time, but a wonderful gift from our loving husbands when we do.

We do hope this begins to answer some of your questions. We hope to add more pages as time goes on.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
The (real) Stepford Wives