Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Take it Slow

To live in a world where only one trip to the store a week was needed!
We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association believe in being well organized, we do not believe, and our husbands would never approve of being wasteful, only buying enough food for several days. We believe in making lists -- in fact we do not shop without a list. We consider it wrong to leave the home dressed is dungarees; the way our mothers would frown on being seeing seen in public with their hair in curlers. We are a direct reflection of our husbands.
With our list in our sometimes gloved hand, we walk slowly down each aisle. Paying deep attention to both sides. We never want to appear rushed. Our lists are constructed in a specific order based on the store. Each store has its own way of arranging where items are located. Some stores actually offer a map to savvy customers of the store's layout. Knowing exactly what is on each shelf saves time. So, while we walk slowly with purpose, we never forget anything or miss an item so we have to back track.
We do not always begin at the start of store, many of us choose to begin at the meat counter, before moving to the produce section. these, often are rarely within the same proximity. However beginning at the butcher or meat counter is best, since your produce selections might be altered if you discover lamb chops are on special -- and it's your husband's favorite. You might decide to add some mint -- which means returning to the produce section. However if you begin in the butcher counter, then move to produce.
You'll be happy you tried it.
We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association feel its best to make your list as you use things and check the cabinets before you leave. Keep the reusable shopping bags handy, as you walk out the door. Also, if you use a smart phone, it can be a good place to keep your lists.