Monday, November 26, 2012

The Stepford Holiday

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association believe in the perfect holiday season. Our homes sparkle with tasteful decorations with our live tree as the center-piece. Our Christmas and holiday greeting cards were written, addressed and ready for mail on the 1st of December, complete with a photographic collage of memories. Each card is handwritten with a personal reflection to the recipient. We never ever use a computer (although we love our computers) letter generically filled with annual goings on. These, we feel not only are far too impersonal, tacky and lazy.

A personal message might be something, "It was wonderful spending time with you at our family reunion this year." and include something personal -- like about picking flowers or a meal prepared. It's far better to include a personal and individual message than to write to everyone on photocopied paper, we attended a family reunion -- it was fun.

Our homes get a once-over, cabinets cleared -- canned goods and other foods donated to worthy causes. Space is made for the goodies we bake daily during the season, betwix our cleaning and shopping schedules. We already put up our preserves, which can be used for homemade gifts, as well as family treats.

If you attend a holiday function at a friend or relative's home, we believe it is completely appropriate to not only bring a bottle of good wine, but also a basket of baked breakfast goods, such as muffins or scones. Now, the basket should be presented more discretely, for the hostess' eyes only. A day or so after the party, drop by the residence with a nice thank you note in hand; good taste should dictate the basket returned to you.

If, for any reason your husband disagrees, or wishes to keep your muffins for just yourselves, accept it as a lovely compliment and defer to his wishes.