Monday, November 5, 2012

Out of the Home

It's rather important to understand we at The (real) Stepford Wives Association do not spend all hours of the day cooking and cleaning. We also spend time with our children, organizing bake sales, shuttling them to after school activities and of course shopping.

While we are out in public, we must conduct ourselves a certain way. We dress only for our husbands in whatever they would find pleasing. While we are out in public without them, we walk slowly and smile, but are careful not and by not, we mean ever make any kind of eye contact with man. We believe this sends the wrong the message that somehow we're interested in what they have to say.

Walking slowly is possibly the most difficult part of being Stepford. We must walk slowly. We do not rush through the grocery store at breakneck speed. We take it slow. We scrutinize each purchases. When we rush, we forget things. Not very Stepford at all -- When we take our time we tend to get everything we need in one pass through the market. Rather than spending and wasting time back tracking. We believe it's important to carry a good shopping list and enough cash to cover the purchases. If something is neglected, it's written down on a new list.

Which brings us to another subject, smart phones. We now routinely make our lists on our phones rather than paper. There are many apps to aid in this and some are free. We encourage all Stepfords to check them out. Once a week we go through cabinets and take note on what we need or might want to cook in the coming week. We make our lists accordingly. Does the chicken we plan to serve on Wednesday require overnight marinating? We need to plan carefully for this. Is there enough bread or luncheon meats to last the week? Some cold meats begin to taste gamy if kept for more than a few days. Smoked luncheon meats will last a day or so longer but contain nitrates. Premade salads only last a few days before they become wet or snaily. We find it's best to buy these things more than once per week.