Monday, October 29, 2012


We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association completely understand the importance of ambiance to setting the mood and we find it matters little the occasion. A clean home, free of clutter sets the stage, but the small details add the needed flair. Candles, soft lights and music can be as important as the quality of food. Children and adults who listen to classical music while eating dinner tend to eat slower than those watching television.

In the evening, we walk through our home closing curtains and window coverings and we light candles in the rooms we expect to be in. This sets a mood for the evening and we've found it's relaxing. When lighting numerous candles, do try to choose unscented ones or two scents that compliment each other without being overwhelming. Right now a favorite is a green apple and creme brûlée scented candles. The combination is just amazing like the best apple pie you've never made. The rest of the candles are simply unscented and don't compete.

If you have seasonal luminaries, try looking for LCD voltive or tea flameless candles. Using them in any sort of display where the candle is visible is not advisable due to their tacky apperarence, but if it's somewhat enclosed they are more safe than traditional tea lights. Remember shooting can cause fires.
They're also wonderful for Jack O Lanturns, especially during Halloween when the weather is less than perfect.