Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Our Breakfast Table

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Club firmly believe our breakfast tables are the most used tables in our homes. They are the tables we pretty up with flowers over breakfast, the places where we entertain our friends over coffee and where our children do their homework.

Not all of us have a dining table, so our simple multi-use table is transformed into a elegant dining table with the addition of a nice table cloth and some candles. Much like that table with all its uses, we also have many uses. We are mothers, housekeepers, and of course wives. We do not place our children above our husbands but rather equal to them.

Yes, sometimes it's a just a table set for two for an intimate dinner with our husbands to show them how much we truly appreciate them. One of our girls came up with a wonderful each day she does five special things for her husband. She says sometimes she does simple things like cooking his favorite foods, or having a martini waiting for him at the end of a trying day.

The whole thing has been so successful for her that we've all decided to give it a whirl.
We'll all discuss it at our next brunch.