Saturday, September 7, 2013

Needs Vs Wants

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association are often beset with queries as to how we determine what we really need as opposed to what we actually want. The bitter truth is, for us, we leave it to our husbands to decide that for us. Real "needs" such as tires for the car or a new comforter or sheet set for the bed are met with little opposition -- so long as the older ones are shabby, torn or plane worn out. If our vacuum breaks down and cannot be repaired, then it becomes a need.

Sometimes there are things we'd love to have, but our husbands see little point, for example a crock pot, might be lovely for some to own but not us. We have time to cook meals without the use of a slow-cooker. We do not disparage those who do utilize one, but our husband's have determined all on their own that we survive just fine without one. We do not have the latest shiny gadgets either because we don't need them. iPhone, iPod, or iWhatever are for our husbands to utilize and not for us. Sometimes they will offer their older one for us to use -- and we appreciate that.

We do not waste our time idly dreaming up wish lists of the latest cleaning gadget either. We have our own tried snd true methods for cleaning that involve mostly a little Comet and a whole lot of elbow grease. We clean our homes from top to bottom each day and the whole home just sparkles because you never know when something might come up. Our closets and drawers are appointed snd never just thrown about willy-nilly. We dispise a closet in disarray as much as we dispise a mussy appearance.

We are hospitable and charitable but continue with our tasks when non-Stepford friends come calling. We do not chat or Skype or daydream about our lives we're far to busy living them! We teach our daughters to be good wives and mothers.