Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stepford Wifery 101 part 2

We at The (real) Stepford Wives, feel strongly the next two are so closely related we would handle them as one.

From The Good Wife Guide:

Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you'll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your make-up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people.
Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it.

We like these ideas and use them daily. Taking those few minutes remind us of our place and who we do these things for, our husbands. Cooking can involve many different odors, most which will cling to clothing. Taking those few minutes to air ourselves out, freshen up and reapply our lipstick, let's him know he's special. Also, taking a few moments to clean the little ones sticky fingers off and make them presentable for daddy's return.

Being happy and loving to him when he walks through the door most of all, tell him how happy you are that he's home and how much you missed him while he was at work. He's been away from you with yes work weary people but also, never forget he's been engaging in maybe interesting conversations and many might be with the opposite sex. We at The (real) Stepford Wives don't worry about these other women, because we don't nag and we insist on giving our husbands what they need.