Friday, January 9, 2015

Back to Basics: Ode to the Shopping List

We, we at The (real) Stepford Wives Association need to reclaim lost habits that our mothers and grandmothers took for granted. This means for many of us a return to the list. At some point society dropped out of the list making, in favor of tools, like the Palm Pilot, the problem being one has to refer to it. Today the answer seems to be the smart phone.

It doesn't matter if you use a smart phone, or put pen to paper the idea of well organized list is important enough to mention. No self respecting Stepford wife would go grocery shopping without a detailed list of what to buy. Yet the shopping list isn't the beginning, but rather it falls somewhere in the middle.

First you must decide what to cook, each meal should be planned out on a daily basis. What does your family eat? Start with breakfast. If coffee is the first thing your husband reaches for or looks to be handed to him then make sure the coffee supply is sufficient. Next might be bread, eggs, flour and so forth. If orange juice is served, know how many oranges are needed for a glass of juice and buy accordingly. Or, if out of season, buy a good quality juice.

For lunchtime: Luncheon meats, can be purchased, based by the slice or by the pound. Depending on the type you buy for your family will determine the quantity. Take into account expiration dates. The most expensive food in your home is the one thrown away because it expired before it was eaten. What does your husband like on his sandwich or along side it, means taking more into account? Double check that there are extra condiments in case you run out. This includes red onion, pickles or whatever else your husband prefers.

For your dinners, plan ahead by pouring over recipes and always have a back-up plan. If you plan on making lasagna, it's just as easy to make two and freeze one for another day. know which ingredients are needed for each dish and buy accordingly. Don't assume you have dried thyme, check it. Never assume. Also take care you have enough wine, liquor for cocktails or whatever your husband prefers to imbibe in.

Desserts and snacks: Same as everything else. In our home dessert is usually reserved for the weekends, but if your family likes it, plan for it. Whatever you choose to make, make it with love and from scratch or don't bother. Great snacks also include, popcorn (you can make it yourself on the stove), nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruit, cheese, and even good quality crackers.

Following this simple idea will add more time to your week and we, at The (real) Stepford Wives Association really enjoy that idea.