Friday, August 9, 2013

Cleaning Up

We at The (real) Stepford Wives Association know its sometimes taxing to keep up on mundane chores whilst keeping the rest of the home up to what

we refer to as 'Stepford Snuff'.' During the long summer months with children home from school, it seems endless for the good wife who refuses to feed her children snacks on paper plates.

It is for this reason we adhere to strict summer schedules for eating and snacks. Breakfast is served promptly at 7:30am -- same as when school is in session. After all out husbands need to eat and we are not a restaurant.

Lunch is served around 11:30 - 12:00pm and normally consists of a left-over from the previous dinner. Usually with a twist, chicken can be cubed and made into chicken salad. Roast beef is shredded and mixed with a sauce or left-gravy and served as sliders. Vegetables are non-negotiable and neither is fruit. Children do not eat nearly enough fruits and vegetables.

The long haul is for dinner time which for us is normally 7pm. So it's smart to provide a good snack between 2:30 - 4:30pm (which is also on school days when some of our children get home). After cooking dinner, take a few minutes to freshen your makeup and prepare a beverage for your husband. Greet him with a smile and know you have accomplished it another day.